Author Archive

Existential. I said it before…

Why do I have to say it again?  In a previous post, I already had to gag about this word: Everyone’s using it now along with the word “threat,” i.e. Existential Threat, a threat to the existence of something or...

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Doesn’t make me gag any less…

Gag. Reiterate. Fancy-sounding word for ""Repeat."

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Trick or Treat?

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.  Our birthright is a vibrant cityscape that we seem to be doing everything possible to decimate. More broadly and devastatingly, with Walmart (devastation to rural and semi-rural small retail businesses, gutting fragile...

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Forever? Are you sure about that?

Forever. Everything now seems to be changing something “forever.” Of course it has. It’s always been true. Needless, repetitive to create false drama and significance. And now a cliche as well.

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Some of my favorite movies…Comments?

These are some of my favorite movies.  Comments?  Blade Runner Alien Breaker Morant Lost In America Amelie The Big Lebowski Young Frankenstein A Man For All Seasons Z

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Site-specific. When referring to dance, theater, etc. All the world is not a stage.  Will was wrong on that one. Give me the proscenium arch every time. (Yes, a dullard, I know--unimaginative etc.  But i embrace it.)

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Not always, but often, genius.

The Genius of Certain Geico Ads For example, "Antonio": The opening question: "Who's dog is this?" (For awhile I missed this because it happens at the beginning and so quickly. Don't make that mistake.) The spirit of Mad Magazine is still...

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The Coming Recession: They say a bull market (also read "fairly healthy economy") does not die of old age. Perhaps true. But it can certainly die by suicide. And this is exactly what is happening.  It's as if the financial...

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Buy a thesaurus. And while you’re at it, grab a dictionary too.

Agent/Agency.  It's everywhere now, suggesting some form of liberation.  How did a word that means "acting for another" come to replace the word "empowerment"?  

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Existential. Stop It.

Existential.  Everyone's using it now along with the word "threat," i.e. Existential Threat, a threat to the existence of something or other.  Let's make sure not to confuse it with Existentialism, which grapples with the issue of individual human responsibility,...

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