Priam’s Daughter

Not New But Necessary…

“A corrupt people, once it gains its freedom, can only with the greatest difficulty remain free.” Machiavelli, Discourses  

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Strike for Survival, Earth Day 2023

Well, you heard it in this little obscure corner of the world for the first time:  Call for Worldwide General Strike on Earth Day April 22, 2023. #StrikeForSurvival #EarthDay2023

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Let’s Not Make Him the New Cassandra

PLEASE listen to what Michael Lewis is saying right now.  Few things could be as important to our commonwealth as what Michael Lewis is saying right now.    

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How is it that we have allowed two off-the-grid states to have such an outsize, wholly unjustified influence on our electoral politics?  This is one where the  media really has led  us astray.

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Trick or Treat?

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.  Our birthright is a vibrant cityscape that we seem to be doing everything possible to decimate. More broadly and devastatingly, with Walmart (devastation to rural and semi-rural small retail businesses, gutting fragile...

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The Coming Recession: They say a bull market (also read "fairly healthy economy") does not die of old age. Perhaps true. But it can certainly die by suicide. And this is exactly what is happening.  It's as if the financial...

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Boomers! Millenials! X-ers! What do we think about this?

Not a new player in the blame game, but one that should provide some interesting debate.

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Priam’s Daughter: Note from Weimar

A Note From Weimar:  “’Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst,’ [Hannah Arendt  wrote], ‘no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to...

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