Bread & Circuses

Nothing is forever. Really, nothing. I promise.

Nothing just “changes” anymore.  Everything changes “forever.” Well, yes, maybe, but to the extent it’s true, it has always been true. This is just needlessly repetitive to create false drama and significance. And now it’s worse than a cliché. And,...

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Dan Flanigan asks, “Where does O’Keefe go from here?”

A.D. 2020 How did we get here? Dan Flanigan intends to tell us the story of our modern times through a series of novels, chronologically arranged, recounting, from the 1980s to the present day, the life and adventures of his...

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Some of my favorite movies…Comments?

These are some of my favorite movies.  Comments?  Blade Runner Alien Breaker Morant Lost In America Amelie The Big Lebowski Young Frankenstein A Man For All Seasons Z

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Not always, but often, genius.

The Genius of Certain Geico Ads For example, "Antonio": The opening question: "Who's dog is this?" (For awhile I missed this because it happens at the beginning and so quickly. Don't make that mistake.) The spirit of Mad Magazine is still...

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No. Just no.

My candidate for the most overrated movie of all time: Vertigo.  What is wrong with you people?  More later. 

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Bread & Circuses: Stay Tuned, Story at 11:00

Heard on a television newscast recently: "Police are looking for a man who shot another man sitting in a car . . . And if you have a sweet tooth . . ."    

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You don’t even have a Facebook page!

No surprise if you’ve forgotten that a movie called Birdman won the Best Picture Academy Award in 2014.  The movie featured what the writers and the director obviously thought was a wonderful put-down speech by Emma Stone, berating her father,...

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Bread & Circuses: A Belated Protest

A belated protest:  La La Land?  Really?

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