Mots (Bon & Other)

I do not think it means what you think it means.

The Trump “Era” The “Era” of Covid How can 1 year or even 4 be an “Era”? Just more blather, suggesting profundity where none exists.  

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Dan Flanigan asks, “Where does O’Keefe go from here?”

A.D. 2020 How did we get here? Dan Flanigan intends to tell us the story of our modern times through a series of novels, chronologically arranged, recounting, from the 1980s to the present day, the life and adventures of his...

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So Many Emails…

Am I just a hopeless curmudgeon or are others offended by all the Happy Thanksgiving emails from vendors etc. clogging the inbox?  

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LOOK! updated

“Look” Updated.   It’s spreading so fast!   IT’S A MEME! NO, IT’S A VIRUS!  Officious and Arrogant combined.  

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“Look”  I am picking up an increasing  use of this intro word when people are answering a question, especially finance types.  “Look . . . “ followed by answer. Imperative and arrogant. Call me paranoiac, curmudgeon, misanthrope, or all three,...

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What about Boris Johnsons’ fake hairdo?  

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Luminous? Not really…

Everyone, everything— in movie and music reviews especially— is suddenly “luminous.”  But so much light gets to be blinding, so that we lose our sense of direction—and critical judgment.  

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How is it that we have allowed two off-the-grid states to have such an outsize, wholly unjustified influence on our electoral politics?  This is one where the  media really has led  us astray.

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Had to Know Now

A gentleman I know committed suicide today.    He said he just couldn’t stand the suspense any longer.  

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Word of the Year? aka Existential Revisited Pt 2

Word Of The Year! Well, no sooner than i post the previous one, I see on my building's "elevator news" that has chosen "existential" as its Word Of The Year for 2019!  Say no more.  I will be trying...

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